Monday, December 16, 2013

Meet Ai Hasegawa, the Woman Who Wants to Give Birth to a Shark

  Hasegawa Ai Japanese designers will produce a very controversial approach to solving the environmental and food related - issues - the possibility of women giving birth in different species of animals and eventually eat them .

In one of his most intriguing projects yet , " I wanted to deliver a Shark ... " , Ai Hasegawa tackles " the problem of breeding people in an age of over - population and environmental crisis . " He envisions the possibility of humans on a boring day in their food and satisfying both their nutritional needs and giving life . The 33 - year old man says having a baby is not as simple as some people think , especially in our world about the presence of major food crisis . He argues that bringing new humans in the world is definitely not the answer , but boring endangered species may be just what we need to survive . " We are genetically predisposed to raise the child as a way of passing on our genes to the next generation but we live in an age where the struggle to raise a child in decent condition becomes more difficult with gross over- population and poor environmental conditions , "said Hasegawa . " We also need to eat , and we are equally facing growing food shortages as a result of over - fishing , use of land and a growing population . Through birth to an edible animal can put it more value than that endangered species and help to prevent this destruction . "

Intrigued by the strange idea of Japanese designer , Ai Hasegawa link to find out he thinks birth to an animal is even possible . " It would be , in the near future , " he said . A person womb just the right size to hold a baby . I can not speak to a gynecologist about ways of making it bigger. I believe people can use their uterus as an aquarium or incubator . " Talking about the possible compatibility issues between the human placenta and a shark , for example , Ai said the placenta from the baby , so no need to change the DNA of the people . The real problem is that a woman wanting to bring a baby animal in her womb will have to stop the bleeding, and treating for this with very unpleasant side - effects . . Asked why he chose a shark for his project ,  " they are endangered , their life - span is about as long as a person , and most importantly , they are delicious . "

Can think of a few people's ideas Ai is preposterous , but he thought it through. He even came up with a bonding system which works " by sharing the stress with the mother shark embryo . When the mother feels stress , measures a galvanic skin response and heart pulse rate , translated as a " stress signals " , triggering of low voltage electrical signal to imitate the appearance of a predator in the sea for a shark embryo device . giving stress activities such as a training device for when they returned to sea ​​after delivery . " Yes , the sharks were returned to the sea for some time , for them to taste like wild sharks used in Japanese cuisine . Hasegawa says he wants a good piece of sharks , but he always feel guilty for eating endangered species . In this way the problem was resolved , plus " it is more expensive than raising a human also , and there are fewer responsibilities " .

But I want people to actually eat shark carried in the womb of another person ? AI seem to think so : " After all , there are some animals eat their own babies . And we eat veal, which is from the inside of a cow . Though we kill people , not even for food , and they too appear in a person 's womb . I really do not see the problem . " Whether it was his birth in a shark , he said he wanted this track position at sea with a GPS device , and once they are caught and sold in the market , he wants to buy and eat it . In this way he would have it back inside her body one last time ...

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