Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Chinese Family Turn Abandoned Toilet into Cozy Home

Family from China proves it is applicable even if the house is an abandoned public toilet in the city of Shenyang .

Lingjun Zeng was born in a small village , in northeastern Jilin Province of China . As a boy , he dreamed of one day attending college , but because his family was too poor to leave it behind his dream and settle for being a cobbler and repairs shoes for a living . But just because he can not pay to go to college , does not mean that he wants to spend the rest of his life in his village . He had bigger plans for himself, so one day , with 50 meters yuan ( $ 8) in his pocket , he left for Shenyang , the largest city in northeast China . Being a hard worker and a skilled cobbler Zeng helped make living in the big city , and he was soon achieving around 2,000 yuan ( 315 ) per month . But it was not enough for him to get his own place .

Six years ago , tipped him off to a friend an abandoned hotel toilet is available for rent at a very low price . He immediately borrowed the money he needed and derelict toilet hired as her new home . He took down the old door and all of the cubicles made ​​of wood , and put down some planks to cover the toilet bowls and make room for a bed . The cubicles are dismantled converted to storage space and , although the area is only 19 square meters in size , he somehow found space for his own small shoemaker workshop .

In 2008 Zeng Lingjun met his current wife , also a migrant worker . They married in 2010 and had a baby then. Now the three of them were living in abandoned toilet . At one point , they saved enough money to move to a standard 80 square meter apartment , but they found themselves back in their old home days after they moved out , can not afford to pay all expenses . Although never lets the smell they forget they live in a toilet , Zeng and his family just flush the toilet every time the stench becomes unbearable , and just have fun their lives together. After all , who needs luxury when your loved ones are nearby and you have your health ?

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