Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Interviews Before Execution – China’s Successful Death Row Show

A tremendous show gets the last moments of death row criminals - that may sound like the worst kind of reality TV , but " Interviews Before Execution " is hugely popular in China , where it was first aired Henan Legal Channel on November 18 , 2006. After more than 5 years , the show ended last Friday .

As a part of the reality show , journalist Ding Yu interview someone in death row every week almost cruel detail . So yes , every person featured in the show is a hardened criminal , whose fate has been sealed - to death . Sometimes , the criminals were recorded speaking a few minutes before their execution , many describing the details of their crimes , showing remorse and even begging for forgiveness once . Does this sound like an unnecessary exploitation of people who are about to die , but the creators of the show have a different perspective . Pejin Lu , director of the Legal Channel says that the aim of the show is to warn the audience . " If they are warned, tragedies can be averted . That's good for society . "

The show may not be already in China , but worldwide networks like PBS and BBC are interested in this phenomenon has managed to grow . After all , in its prime , Interviews Before execution had a whopping 40 million viewers per broadcast , Ding Yu and skyrocketed to fame . The best ratings in the history of the show for one episode that featured a gay prisoner , after murdering his mother , violated his dead body . BBC is now planned to air a documentary coming Monday Chinese program , called the execution Factor . PBS will soon follow suit with another documentary called Dead Men Talking .

What's really interesting is the role played by Miss Ding performances . It should be an experience life - changing to talk to so many hardened criminals in the last moments of their lives . As the creators of the show , he did not believe that they are using convicts . In fact , he believes that they really want to hear . Also been recorded in said , " I feel sorry and regretful for them . Yet I sympathize with them , so they should pay a heavy price for their sins . Deserve it here . "

" Some criminals I interviewed told me : ' I am really very pleased . Told so many things in my heart to you at this time . In prison , there was never a person I was willing to talk about past events , ' " he goes on to add . Also is certain to be a popular figure in China since the show , and hereby known to many as " Beauty in the beast . "

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