Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Jeepney Buses – Art on Wheels in the Philippines

The Philippines Jeepney buses are probably the most brilliant way of public transportation in the world , rivaling even the art trucks of Pakistan .

Jeepneys are the most popular means of transportation in the Philippines , and is considered a symbol of the island , despite the recent controversy about their heavy - polluting emissions . The history of Jeepney buses built the last days of World War II . When American forces withdrew from the Philippines , either left behind or sold hundreds of surplus jeeps . Public transportation of the country was destroyed by the war , so started changing jeeps to accommodate more passengers and people classified as passenger- style jeeps . Recognizing the wide - spread use of new vehicles , the Philippine government soon regulated their use .

But besides simply peeling down the jeeps , the number of seats and adding Thats for cover , Filipinos also started adding colorful and shiny ornaments , and the use of the metal car body as a canvas for painted or airbrushed photos personal significance , or adverts . The Jeepney became a part of the Filipino culture , and a cheap method of transportation for the proletariat of the country . Although the original buses were organized American surplus jeeps , nowadays , Jeepneys are produced by independent companies and workshops in the Philippines , with the surplus engines and parts imported from Japan .

Despite their popularity in both the local population and tourists , Jeepney buses have been under fire for some time , and their existence in their current form is under threat . Because they increase traffic volume and consume a considerable fuel , Jeepneys are facing increasing restrictions and regulations for pollution control . Showed a recent study of a 16 - seat Jeepney fuel consumed as much as a 54 - seat air- conditioned buses , and only amplified pressure to remove them from the streets of Manila and other major cities .

But the future of the brightly decorated vehicles may not be as grim as it first appears , as E - jeepneys , short for " electrical jeepneys " , it can take half- a - century - old traditions . Some of them have been Produce in the Philippines and is currently being used by schools , resort and theme park

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