Wednesday, December 18, 2013

17-Year-Old Girl Has Eaten Chicken Nuggets Every Day for the Last 15 Years

Everyone craves fast food every once in a while , but for the 17 - year -old Stacey Irvine , Chicken Nuggets became part of his daily diet since she was 2 years old . Although you would not think it by looking at him .I am a big cheeseburger fan myself, though I try not to eat more than a month , but for young Stacey , chicken Nuggets are the most delicious thing on Earth . Her mother , Evonne , 39 , made ​​the mistake of introducing him to the tastiness of chicken Nuggets when he was only two years old , and she loved them so much, he refused to eat almost anything after that . Even tried starving her mum at a time , in an attempt to get her to eat more nutritious foods , but to no avail , so he give up trying to get her off Nuggets a long time ago . For a while they all want to eat him , but he later expanded his daily diet with fries , chipss and an occasional piece of toast for breakfast ." It breaks my heart to see her eating those damned Nuggets . He was told in no uncertain terms that she'll die if she carries on like this . Yet she says she can not eat anything , " the mother of Stacey says , concerned the girls are not even touching fruits and vegetables . His favorite is McDonalds , but he would also have KFC and supermarket brands . At least once a day , he shared with 20 of them to his girlfriend , with chips . And even though he has a relatively slim figure , her eating habits recently started to cause problems for Stacy . The young factory workers were rushed to hospital after she collapsed and experienced breathing difficulties . Doctors found he was anemic and had swollen veins in her tongue . But despite the admitted and put on an urgent course of vitamins , Stacey still can not get enough of chicken Nuggets .Another more serious problem that causes chicken nugget addiction Stacey Irvine has a large number of toys he collected all his chopping food .  and he is running out of space to store them . However , doctors warn it is his health should he be concerned about . a serious lack of vitamins and other essential nutrients , accompanied by dangerous amounts of salt and fat can prove fatal in the long run .

Interviews Before Execution – China’s Successful Death Row Show

A tremendous show gets the last moments of death row criminals - that may sound like the worst kind of reality TV , but " Interviews Before Execution " is hugely popular in China , where it was first aired Henan Legal Channel on November 18 , 2006. After more than 5 years , the show ended last Friday .

As a part of the reality show , journalist Ding Yu interview someone in death row every week almost cruel detail . So yes , every person featured in the show is a hardened criminal , whose fate has been sealed - to death . Sometimes , the criminals were recorded speaking a few minutes before their execution , many describing the details of their crimes , showing remorse and even begging for forgiveness once . Does this sound like an unnecessary exploitation of people who are about to die , but the creators of the show have a different perspective . Pejin Lu , director of the Legal Channel says that the aim of the show is to warn the audience . " If they are warned, tragedies can be averted . That's good for society . "

The show may not be already in China , but worldwide networks like PBS and BBC are interested in this phenomenon has managed to grow . After all , in its prime , Interviews Before execution had a whopping 40 million viewers per broadcast , Ding Yu and skyrocketed to fame . The best ratings in the history of the show for one episode that featured a gay prisoner , after murdering his mother , violated his dead body . BBC is now planned to air a documentary coming Monday Chinese program , called the execution Factor . PBS will soon follow suit with another documentary called Dead Men Talking .

What's really interesting is the role played by Miss Ding performances . It should be an experience life - changing to talk to so many hardened criminals in the last moments of their lives . As the creators of the show , he did not believe that they are using convicts . In fact , he believes that they really want to hear . Also been recorded in said , " I feel sorry and regretful for them . Yet I sympathize with them , so they should pay a heavy price for their sins . Deserve it here . "

" Some criminals I interviewed told me : ' I am really very pleased . Told so many things in my heart to you at this time . In prison , there was never a person I was willing to talk about past events , ' " he goes on to add . Also is certain to be a popular figure in China since the show , and hereby known to many as " Beauty in the beast . "

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Fan Spends 14 Months Building Awesome Iron Man Suit Out of Cardboard and Fiberglass

Mark Pearson , a 44 - year -old repairman who wants a comic book , has spent 14 months of his life to creating an almost perfect replica of the Iron Man suit Tony Stark , from sheets of cardboard fiberglass range .

Perason is certainly not the first one to build a replica of the famous Iron man suit , but she is actually one of the most realistic looking , regardless of the material during the build . " I do not know why I did it " , the repairman from Bradford , West Yorkshire , saying , " I guess this is just a moment of madness . I decided on making the helmet then I said to my partner - I'm going to make the whole suit " the comics fan bought himself a 12ft cardboard model of Robert Downey Jr. in his iconic superhero suit , began work on helmet . but just can not stop . He downloaded the template from the Internet , and made ​​them into cardboard molds . Once all that is created , he is able to create fiberglass parts of his impressive Iron Man suit .

" He told me ' you're 44 , what are you doing making a model of a man from comic books ? " Remember the repairman , but when he finally saw it done and the reactions it provoked all in their homeland , he delighted . But the strangest thing about the Iron Man suit particular it helps to NOT fit its own maker . Mark only 5ft 6in , so she had to find a suitable man Tony Stark type to put his creation fiberglass . He was able to convince 24 - year -old Darren Higgins , a local supermarket manager , to put on the armor and stand in front of Bradford theater , film goers waving attending a screening of The Avengers .

The Iron Man suit made ​​by Mark Pearson started as a range of 400 sheets of cardboard that he became a 3D structure , and later in a fiberglass copy . It has some nice touch , such as flashing lights for eyes , hands and chest , but Pearson said he also used quite a few household items . For example , the art reactor in the chest started off as an ordinary ashtray . He said the suit is still a work in progress , and he has some cool ideas about what to add to it later . " All it's missing is the ability to fly - but that can become quite confusing . Actually I would have needed superpowers myself you made that possible ," says Mark .

Asked why he chose Iron Man suit , the repairman English said "I'm not sure why I chose Iron Man . I'ma big fan and I think I like the fact that he is not really a superhero , he is a man just with a flying suit . Yet what a suit - it's the Ferrari of superhero suit " I'd have to agree with him on that one . . About the new Avengers movie , he really enjoyed it , especially to see what it can do the new Iron Man suit , and said " it looked almost as good as mine " .

Chinese Students Cramming for Exams Hooked to IVs Spark Controversy

China appears to say "learning until you drop " has taken on some quite literally , as the photos show students receiving amino acid IV drips as they hit the books during a late night study sessions for exams in college .

Have you where you are studying too hard ? Well unless you've ever needed for intravenous medication to keep from passing out or collapsing due to excessive study , you have it pretty good compared to the young students at a high school in Xiaogan , Hubei province in central China . Pictures taken late one night , and posted on the popular Sina Weibo Chinese site , show a bright -lit classroom full of students studying the National College Entrance Exam , commonly known as " Gao Kao " . Will the students be buried with piles of books , with dozens of IV bag hanging from the line traversing the classroom .

Uploaded two days ago , the picture was shared by thousands of students and went viral on the Chinese interwebs . Asked about the situation , Mr. Xia , director of the Office of Academic Affairs , said only IVs delivered amino acids to restore the health of the students ' . "The state gives 10 yuan subsidy for amino acids to each graduating senior who participated in the Gao Kao ( National College Entrance Exam ) . Any students who do not feel well can go to the hospital and make amino acids IV drip , " said Xia . And because the hospital school is full of students requiring medical attention , thought the school they want to perform session IV drip right in the classroom , to help students save time , instead of having them running back and forth between the hospital and the classroom .

The National College Entrance Examination or Gao Kao , viewed as a life - and - death turning point in the lives of students , senior high school , as it determines if they will be accepted through into their dream school and if they can go to college at all , regardless of their previous academic performances in high school . The test includes three compulsory subjects ( Mathematics , Chinese and English ) , with some optional , and take place on the 7th , 8th and 9 June This is just one of the Chinese version of the SAT , only the students apparently take it way more seriously there .

Actually I agree with the study is important as a poor student , but doing it to the point where really needed amino acids your body to cope with exhaustion seems a bit extreme .

Jeepney Buses – Art on Wheels in the Philippines

The Philippines Jeepney buses are probably the most brilliant way of public transportation in the world , rivaling even the art trucks of Pakistan .

Jeepneys are the most popular means of transportation in the Philippines , and is considered a symbol of the island , despite the recent controversy about their heavy - polluting emissions . The history of Jeepney buses built the last days of World War II . When American forces withdrew from the Philippines , either left behind or sold hundreds of surplus jeeps . Public transportation of the country was destroyed by the war , so started changing jeeps to accommodate more passengers and people classified as passenger- style jeeps . Recognizing the wide - spread use of new vehicles , the Philippine government soon regulated their use .

But besides simply peeling down the jeeps , the number of seats and adding Thats for cover , Filipinos also started adding colorful and shiny ornaments , and the use of the metal car body as a canvas for painted or airbrushed photos personal significance , or adverts . The Jeepney became a part of the Filipino culture , and a cheap method of transportation for the proletariat of the country . Although the original buses were organized American surplus jeeps , nowadays , Jeepneys are produced by independent companies and workshops in the Philippines , with the surplus engines and parts imported from Japan .

Despite their popularity in both the local population and tourists , Jeepney buses have been under fire for some time , and their existence in their current form is under threat . Because they increase traffic volume and consume a considerable fuel , Jeepneys are facing increasing restrictions and regulations for pollution control . Showed a recent study of a 16 - seat Jeepney fuel consumed as much as a 54 - seat air- conditioned buses , and only amplified pressure to remove them from the streets of Manila and other major cities .

But the future of the brightly decorated vehicles may not be as grim as it first appears , as E - jeepneys , short for " electrical jeepneys " , it can take half- a - century - old traditions . Some of them have been Produce in the Philippines and is currently being used by schools , resort and theme park

Woman Hasn’t Shaved Armpits in 18 Months to Challenge Social Taboos

Emer O'Toole , a 28 - year -old Irish journalist has created Internet buzz after she appeared on a morning show and expressed his hairy armpits and legs . Said the confident young woman she has not shaved in 18 months , since he decided to challenge the notion that women should shave their body hair to be happy and feel attractive.

This is true not only Emer women in the world who do not shave her armpits and legs , but in modern society , women's body hair is one very big social taboo . But the graduate student from Dublin started examining her relationship with her ​​body and her body hair and realized she was first started shaving when he was 14 just because it was expected of him , not because he was had to . So he decided to make himself the main protagonist of an experiment to challenge the other things society of female beauty . He just stopped shaving his body hair for the last 18 months .

As you can surely guess , Emer O'Toole has had a tough time getting used to starting her new look , and the way people stared at him every time he raised his arm . Even the subway , hanging on the handlebars to keep his balance , or waving cafe waitress , had to confront the girl disgusted and surprised looks all the time . He admits to feeling uncertain on many occasions , because it showed some outfits her hairy armpits a little too much , but then he started examining where her confidence and self-esteem comes from . ' If it was my looks , and my self-esteem is linked to that , it means that I realized I need to find other sources for confidence . Your looks are not with you when you wake up in the morning if you need to put your make - up first. And they stay with you as you age ' , said the woman confidence " This Morning " show by ITV .

Emer said he is almost completely comfortable with her ​​hairy armpits and legs now , and do not think twice before showing it off on live television , when asked by the host of the show . He added that most men are not bothered by its hairy appearance , because they too have hairy armpits , but it is usually women who are offended by its natural appearance . He is not letting his detractors affect his confidence in any way , though, and said that even though his experiments were only meant to last a year , he found he liked his body hair and do not believe he had to reach 26 before even seeing what it looked like in its body . He can shave it to a point but he wants it to be a choice , not something he would do .

In modern society , girls are conditioned to shave their body hair and pluck their eyebrows , because if they do not , they end up beginning bullied by their peers , although nature nature has given them body hair . I would think a woman has the right to do what he wants to do , but with views of society in this matter being what they are, do women actually have a choice ? In a poll created by ITV morning show , 80 % of voters disagree with Emer and thought she should shave her armpits and legs .

The frantic and hectic pace of life , sometimes makes us all crave some peace and tranquility . But then, as they say , too much of a good thing can actually be bad for you . Applicable in silence , as it turns out people can not stand to be in the quietest place in the world for too long . The longest a person can take to have 45 minutes .

The place I'm talking about a room at Orfield Laboratories in South Minneapolis . The room , which is also known as the ' anechoic chamber ' , was 99.99 % of the sound absorbent . The double - insulated walls are made ​​of steel and legs - thick concrete . Along the walls are 3.3 - foot thick fiberglass acoustic wedges to contribute to the ultra - silence also . The room will hold the current Guinness World Record for being the quietest place on Earth . While this may seem like a dream come true , especially for those living with children or have stressful jobs , it's really not all that great . The room gets so quiet you can actually hear your organs work . And after some time , begin hallucinations .

The founder and president of Orfield Labs , Steven Orfield says that people are challenged to sit in chambers with all the lights out . There was a reporter who has managed to stay there for 45 minutes . Mr. Orfield itself can do it for 30 minutes , despite his mechanical heart valve becomes very loud in the room . " When it's quiet , ears will adapt , " he says . " The quieter the room , the more things you hear . 'll Hear your beating heart, sometimes you can hear your lungs , hear your stomach gurgling loudly . At the anechoic chamber , you become the sound . "

Experience was so disorienting that can drive a person crazy . In fact , it is inevitable that people sit . Standing up and walking around is simply impossible . Because we orient ourselves by the sounds we hear when we walk , there are no clues to go by in the room . " You take away the perceptual cues that allows you to balance and maneuver . Whether you are in there for half an hour , you have to be in a chair , " 

As strange as it seems , the anechoic chamber has many uses. Some manufacturers test their products for noise , and see how they can do more quiet . For example , the room is used to make Harley Davidson motorbikes much quieter, while retaining their trademark sound . It used to put in their astronaut through various tests . They are made ​​to float there in a water -filled container , to see how long it takes before you start imagining and how they can work through it . Because believe it or not , in outer space is just one big anechoic chamber - the silence out there is just too strong .