Saturday, November 16, 2013

World Smallest Waist

Nerina Orton from Birmingham , UK dream of having the smallest waist in the world . Nerina only 22 years old and , with a 15.7 - inch waist ( 40 cm ) , she is well on its way to achieving its desired size .

Nerina was wearing a corset since he was 14 years old. so every time she takes it off she feels her bowel movements , trying to get a more natural position .

A part- time dancer dabbling in the grotesque genre , he even has its own corsets to his beloved sleep . While others look for comfortable jammies , he has its a custom corset during the night .

If no corset , Nerina 's waist size really 22 inches ( 56 cm ) .

His goal is to break the American Cathie Jung 'record . A corset enthusiast from Connecticut , Mrs. Jung with its a corset 24 hours a day and managed to get her waist down to 15 inches ( 38.1 cm ) . 1.65 m ( 5 ft 6 in ) tall , he is the current Guinness World Record holder for the " smallest waist on a Living Person . "

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