Monday, November 18, 2013

Guinness World Record Largest Number of people Dressed as Superman

 They are not faster than a speeding bullet or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound , but more than 500 employees Sears company in suburban Chicago headquarters - as of Wednesday - record breakers .

In all, 566 employees gathered Sears employees in the company's Hoffman Estates headquarters to break the Guinness World Record for the largest number of people assembled in one place dressed as Superman , according to NBC Chicago .

According to Business Insider , the previous record for a group of people dressed as Superman is 437.

To qualify , each had to be featured costume red boots , a blue bodysuit , a yellow belt , the signature Superman " S" and a red cape , Guinness World Records adjudicator Philip Robertson told the Daily Herald the event.

Setting the record is one of several publicity events staged by Sears ahead of hotly - expected " Man of Steel " blockbuster . The company has teamed up with Warner Brothers.

Sears plays a prominent role in the film , according to ABC Chicago .

" The film features Craftsmen and Kenmore products . Uses Superman 's father and Craftsman Tool works with a Sears , " said Ron Boire , executive VP of Sears and K - Mart . In different versions of the legend Superman , the Man of Steel ground Johnathan Kent 's father was a farmer and alternately the owner of a general store .

Former Chicagoan Michael Shannon plays villain General Zod in the new film , even the " Man of Steel" has other connections Chicago as well . Making movies is done in the same Chicago - The Chicago Board of Trade and Sears Willis Tower was used as interiors and exteriors for The Daily Planet - and west suburban Plano is making a film location for Smallville .

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