Friday, November 29, 2013

The Most Deliciously Terrifying Thanksgiving Meal EVER

But we are not completely sure that this half pork , half a turkey has not been re- engineered to live to make the world pay for the meals of meat - its sin . Does not it look delicious , though ?

Richard Fitch , the project coordinator for Historic kitchens at Hampton Palace in the UK , first posted the picture on his Twitter .

The mad scientist and well-known chef also created a monstrous thing , Sewing the front half of a pig and the bottom half of a turkey together . But believe it or not , Fitch is not only trying to haunt our dreams or playing God . The Atlantic reports that the - we will call it an " entity " - is actually a cockentrice ( or cockentryce ) , a recipe that built the 15th century .

Fitch , who refers to himself as an experimental historian , said the Atlantic he enjoys making recipes from the past .

But there's more to this delicious abomination than a needle and thread . For the full recipe , see gode cooked .

As an added bonus , here's what Fitch did the other halves .

Despite both entities most likely calling the underworld their homes, they are pretty good . We wonder if they are friends .

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