Friday, November 29, 2013

The Most Deliciously Terrifying Thanksgiving Meal EVER

But we are not completely sure that this half pork , half a turkey has not been re- engineered to live to make the world pay for the meals of meat - its sin . Does not it look delicious , though ?

Richard Fitch , the project coordinator for Historic kitchens at Hampton Palace in the UK , first posted the picture on his Twitter .

The mad scientist and well-known chef also created a monstrous thing , Sewing the front half of a pig and the bottom half of a turkey together . But believe it or not , Fitch is not only trying to haunt our dreams or playing God . The Atlantic reports that the - we will call it an " entity " - is actually a cockentrice ( or cockentryce ) , a recipe that built the 15th century .

Fitch , who refers to himself as an experimental historian , said the Atlantic he enjoys making recipes from the past .

But there's more to this delicious abomination than a needle and thread . For the full recipe , see gode cooked .

As an added bonus , here's what Fitch did the other halves .

Despite both entities most likely calling the underworld their homes, they are pretty good . We wonder if they are friends .

Saturday, November 23, 2013

America's 'Longest Married Couple' Celebrates 81 Years Of Marriage

In February , John and Ann Betar was named the longest married couple in America by Worldwide Marriage encounter . And on Monday , the Connecticut lovebirds will celebrate an incredible 81 years of marriage .

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The World's Largest Pizza Box Collection

Just when you think you have seen it all , Guinness World Records Day comes along and puts you back in your place . Leave it to a New Yorker to land a major victory pizza: the largest collection of pizza boxes .

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Woman World Longest Legs

Northern Virginia is, it becomes appears, rich in genetically-gifted world record-holder.Arlingtonian Annie Hawkins-Turner - her stage name Norma Stitz - the Guinness Book of World Records' record for the world's largest natural breasts.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Couple Sets World Record With 126 Bridesmaids In Wedding Party

Couple Sets World Record With 126 Bridesmaids In Wedding Party

Sri Lankan couple Nisansala and Nalin tied knot on Friday in a world-record-breaking ceremony.

The pair beat the previous Guinness World Record holder for the most number of bridesmaids at a wedding ceremony at a amazing 126 'maids. According to Reuters, the previous record was 96 bridesmaids at a wedding in Thailand.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Guinness World Record Largest Number of people Dressed as Superman

 They are not faster than a speeding bullet or able to leap tall buildings in a single bound , but more than 500 employees Sears company in suburban Chicago headquarters - as of Wednesday - record breakers .

Ralph, World's Largest Bunny Rabbit

Ralph , a 4 - year -old Continental Giant from the United Kingdom , reclaim the Guinness World Record for the largest rabbit - a title he took from a rabbit who outweighed him in 2010 , according to Fairfax News .

Asha Mandela World's Longest Dreadlocks

The 50 - year -old resident of Atlanta earned the name " the Black Rapunzel " because he hold the Guinness World Record for " World Longest Dreadlocks , " which he has owned since 2008 .

Sunday, November 17, 2013

World's Smallest Dog

San Juan , Puerto Rico - Puerto Rico can now boast it is home to the smallest dog in the world - at least when it comes to height .

Hercules The World's Largest Living Cat

With a name like Hercules , you know he got to be great.

But at 922 pounds , big is an understatement for the sins of the world's largest cat , according to the 2014 Guinness Book of World Records .

Master Nau World's Shortest Man?

Master Nau World's Shortest Man?

An elderly Nepali villager standing only 16 inches tall with lofty aspirations named the world's shortest man .

Ram Singh Chauhan And His 14-Foot Facial Hair

Chauhan , 58, of Jaipur , India , has a 'hide with size 14 feet. He has been growing it since 1982 , after a friend who has a 7 - foot - long mustache suggested it .

Saturday, November 16, 2013

World Smallest Waist

Nerina Orton from Birmingham , UK dream of having the smallest waist in the world . Nerina only 22 years old and , with a 15.7 - inch waist ( 40 cm ) , she is well on its way to achieving its desired size .

Walter Yeo, Known as the First Person to Have Plastic Surgery

Walter Yeo , a British sailor during World War II, is often cited as the first known person to have benefited from plastic surgery .